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        中文 英文
        热饭 hot rice
        热诚 warm and sincere;cordial
        热潮 upsurge
        热爱 ardently love
        耐热 heat proof
        闷热 sweltering;sultry
        抗热 heat resistance
        绝热 heat insulation
        加热 to heat
        热身 warm up
        热情 sincere and warm;enthusiasm
        热闹 lively
        热络 on friendly terms;very intimate
        热烈 warm;ardent
        热恋 to be passionately in love
        热饮 hot drink
        热血 righteous ardor
        炙热 steaming hot
        燥热 dry and hot
        温热 lukewarm
        暑热 hotness
        滚热 boiling hot
        地热学 geothermics
        白热化 to reach the climax
        散热器 radiator
        热腾腾 steaming hot
        热水瓶 thermos bottle;thermos
        热辣辣 scorching
        热烘烘 very warm
        花粉热 hay fever

        中文 英文
        加热 heat up
        狂热 in a fever
        热心 zeal for
        淘金热 gold rush
        n.热油 deep fat
        n.电热 galvanothermy
        n.热能 heat energy
        n.热屏 heat shield
        n.热狗 hot dog
        n.热带 torrid zone
        n.热心 zealousness
        n.热砂浴 arenation
        n. 热饼 griddlecake
        n.花粉热 hay fever
        n.热传导 heat exchange
        加热;热闹 hot up
        n.花粉热 pollenosis
        n.热容量 thermal capacity
        n.热效率 thermal efficiency
        n.热赤道 thermal equator
        n.热水瓶 thermos bottle
        n. 炎热 torridity
        n.热带鱼 tropical fish
        n.热水瓶 vacuum bottle
        渴望;热爱 yearn for
        n.黄热病 yellow fever
        n.黑尿热病 blackwater fever
        n.马尔他热 Malta fever
        n.小热带鱼 damselfish
        n. 热力学 energetics
        n.热烈欢迎 glad hand
        n.热交换器 heat exchanger
        n.热门音乐 hot music
        n.热气浴室 laconicum
        n. 花粉热 pollinosis
        a. 热病的 pyrexic
        n. 焦热电 pyroelectricity
        n.重新加热 reheating
        n.热量单位 thermal unit
        n.热离子管 thermionic tube
        n. 热化学 thermochemistry
        n. 热力学 thermodynamics
        a. 热电的 thermoelectric
        n.热发动机 thermomotor
        n. 热水瓶 thermos
        n.热带海鸟 tropic bird
        n.热量所需量 aequum
        adj.热情的 appassionato
        n. 热门音乐 boogiewoogie
        n.锐气;热心 elan