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目前所在的位置:登的英语单词 |
中文 | 英文 |
登 | to ascend;to mount;to register |
登船 | to take a boat |
登报 | to publish in the newspaper |
登机 | to board a plane |
登录 | to register |
攀登 | to climb;to clamber up |
刊登 | to publish in a newspaper |
登帐 | keep accounts |
登天 | ascend heaven |
登门 | to visit;to call at |
登陆艇 | landing ship |
登山杖 | alpenstock |
登山队 | mountaineering party |
登记员 | registrar |
登记费 | registration fees |
登记簿 | register |
登机证 | boarding pass |
登广告 | to advertise |
中文 | 英文 |
登记 | enter up |
n.登陆艇 | landing craft |
n.希登石 | hiddenite |
n.登机证 | boarding pass |
登记;预订 | book in |
n. 登山 | mountaineering |
v.再登记 | reinscribe |
n. 登山杖 | alpenstock |
n. 墨尔登呢 | melton |
核票登机;报到 | check in |
n.却尔斯登舞 | charleston |
n.让渡登记簿 | transfer book |
n.访客登记簿 | visiting book |
n.来宾登记簿 | visitor's book |
v. 上升,攀登 | ascend |
n.列支敦斯登人 | Liechtensteiner |
n.特许权登录簿 | cartulary |
n. 起岸,登陆 | disembarkation |
n. 登陆,起岸 | debarkation |
n.先头登陆部队 | landing party |
n.登记簿上列名者 | listee |
n.突击艇;登陆艇 | assault boat |
n. 特许状登记簿 | chartulary |
n.登山者;攀绕植物 | climber |
v. 攀登,上升,爬 | climb |
n.剧中人;登场人物 | dramatis personae |
adj.列支敦斯登的 | Liechtenstein |
n.重登机;重新出发 | reembarkation |
n. 外表,出现,登台 | appearance |
n.小型水陆两用登陆车 | amtract |
v. 装入或登乘大客车 | embus |
n. 登录,条目,进入 | entry |
n.登山帆布鞋;帆布便鞋 | espadrille |
v. 起岸,使登陆,登陆 | disembark |
n.登船搜查或攻击之人员 | boarding party |
n. 书;v. 登记,预订 | book |
n. 空白账簿,未登录账簿 | blankbook |
n. 登阿尔卑斯山者,登山家 | Alpinist |
n.旅馆车票,戏票等的登记人 | booker |
v. 使登陆,起岸;v. 登陆 | debark |
n.[登山]直接攻击;直接攀登 | directtissima |
n. 登陆指挥官,陆战队的指挥官 | beachmaster |
n.惠斯登电桥(测定电阻的仪表) | Wheatstone bridge |
n. 登山家,山地人;v. 登山 | mountaineer |
n. 攀登,爬上;v. 爬上,攀登 | clamber |
n.(登月太空船的)指挥舱;驾驶舱 | command module |
n.初入社会之少女;初次登台之演员 | debutante |
n.登山缆车;电缆车adj.索状的 | funicular |
n.连环图画;报上登载连环图画之版面 | funnies |
n. 善于攀登危岩,峭壁者,爬岩名手 | cragsman |