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        中文 英文
        不对 incorrect
        不错 not bad;pretty good
        不安 unpeaceful;unstable;restless
        不过 but;however
        不敢 dare not
        不久 before long;soon;shortly;not long after
        不难 easy;not difficult
        不朽 immortal
        不幸 unfortunate;adversity;disaster unlucky;unfortunate
        不行 no go;no way;not allowed
        何不 why not
        不治 incurable
        不只 not only;not merely
        不再 no more;no longer
        不少 not a few;considerable
        看不惯 to detest
        禁不住 unable to bear;can not help
        合不来 cannot get along with
        不人道 inhuman
        不平常 extraordinary;unusual
        不要脸 shameless;brazen
        不要紧 unimportant;not serious
        好不好 won't you;okay;is it all right
        过不去 unable to get through
        跟不上 to fall behind
        赶不上 unable to catch up with;to fall behind
        犯不著 not worthwhile
        对不起 excuse me;to be sorry
        吃不消 to be unable to stand or endure
        不重要 of no importance;unimportant;of no consequence
        不中用 useless;to be of no use
        不像话 absurd;unreasonable
        不妥协 uncompromising
        不团结 disunity;disunion
        不透水 watertight;waterproof
        不透明 opaque
        不停地 without intermission
        不耐烦 impatient
        不理解 not to understand
        不老实 dishonest
        不客气 impolite;blunt;rude;you're welcome;not at all
        不经意 pay no attention
        不讲理 unreasonable
        不见得 not likely;not necessarily
        不及格 below standard;to fail to pass a course;not qualif
        不合理 unreasonable;illogicality
        不放心 to feel uneasy
        不懂事 immature
        不得已 to have to
        不得了 disastrous;impending

        中文 英文
        不久 before long
        不久 ere long
        不计 exclusive of
        决不 far from
        不久 in a little while
        不再 no longer
        不论 no matter
        不再 not any more
        决不 on no account
        不久 one of these days
        不久 pretty soon
        不得不 be obliged to
        不可能 be out of the questi
        不赞成 disapprove of
        不用说 it goes without sayi
        不一定 not always
        不流行 out of fashion
        管不住 out of hand
        看不见 out of sight
        不可能 out of the question
        不理睬 turn one's back on
        不等於 unequal to
        茫然不知 be at a loss
        不怀善意 be down on
        真了不起 big deal
        忍住不说 bite one's tongue
        不协和音 diaphony
        成绩不好 do poorly in
        不整洁的 draggly
        不言而喻 go without saying
        紧握不放 hang on
        喋喋不休 harp on
        不大想做 has little mind to
        抽不出空 have no time to spar
        静止不动 hold still
        心情不好 in bad mood
        不能自制 lose one's mind
        不要拘束 make oneself at home
        一点也不 none too
        一点也不 not at all
        绝对不行 not on your life
        虽说不上 not to say
        不利某人 tell against
        不道德的 unprintable
        n. 不丹 Bhutan
        n.不定额 balance due
        n.不值得 be beneath
        n.不同於 be differ from
        忍不住某人 be impatient with
        错误;不对 be in the wrong