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        中文 英文
        忍受 to bear;to suffer
        蒙受 to suffer
        承受 to assume;to accept
        饱受 to suffer enough from
        受罚 to be punished
        受挫 to be foiled;to be defeated
        受寒 to catch a chill;to catch cold
        受惊 to be frightened
        受奖 to be rewarded
        受苦 to suffer
        受辱 to be insulted
        受气 to be bullied
        受骗 to be deceived
        受难 to suffer calamities or disasters
        受凉 to catch cold
        受训 to receive training
        遭受 to incur
        受支配 to be under the control of
        受信人 addressee
        受损失 to incur losses
        受伤者 the wounded
        受款人 payee
        受精卵 zygote
        受欢迎 to be welcomed
        受害人 victim
        受够了 fed up with
        受不了 cannot stand

        中文 英文
        受骗 be had
        受骗 be taken in
        忍受 put up with
        受困於 lock into
        v.受骗 be stuck
        v.受骗 get stuck
        接受手术 go under the knife
        欣然接受 leap at
        n.受格 objective case
        v. 受洗 baptize
        饱受;厌烦 be fed up with
        遭受;可能 be subject to
        n.受贿者 boodler
        得到;接受 come in for
        n.受动器 effector
        易受;应受 liable to
        拥护;受责备 be for
        n.人为受孕 artificial inseminat
        n.人为受精 artificial fertiliza
        n. 让受人 cessionary
        n.受教育者 educatee
        使易受;使受 expose to
        n. 易受骗 gullibility
        苦於;受害於 labour under
        度过;经受过 live through
        n.受格补语 objective complement
        a. 受俸的 prebendal
        n. 受俸者 prebendary
        n. 受约人 promisee
        n. 异花受精 allogamy
        受不起;不敢当 be overwhelmed by
        受恩的;义务的 boundary line
        n.契约之受方 covenantee
        n. 受奉献者 dedicatee
        n.接受赔偿者 indemnitee
        舔光;欣然接受 lap up
        v.接受;忍受 live with
        n.忍受;坚忍 longanimity
        n.接受;收到 receival
        n.接受;领受 recipience
        a. 未受影响 uninfluenced
        n.未受精之卵 wind egg
        遭受;暴露於.. be exposed to
        v. 接受,相信 accept
        n. 受分配的人 allottee
        a. 直接受格的 accusatival
        n. 受人利用者 catspaw
        v. 享受,喜欢 enjoy
        n.受辱;被欺侮 hazing
        n.受恩惠;亏欠 indebtedness